Smashing Mouths, Rosie Pearez, and Crazy Donut Cakes
Rosie Perez - er Pear'ez - is in the house! Have you tried our new Rosie Pear'ez? Do The Right Thing, and try one throughout July at Psycho Donuts! Rosie Pear'ez is a rose water-spiked vegan cake donut contraption, topped with a pear icing, and toasted pistacios. Chef Ron had to mix a blend of salted and unsalted pistacios in order to get the psycho flavor he was chasing after. The result is a Psycho Psavory Psensation! Watch for more Psycho Psavories in the near future. Donuts aren't just for sugar-fiends anymore!
Did you notice that now point
s to Psycho Donuts? What a concept, eh? No longer will you be presented with the out-of-fashion perspectives of Psycho naysayers - at the URL which we were destined to own!
Chief Psycho is smashing mouths! Or more accurately, he's been invited to the Smash Mouth concert at Villa Montalvo on Thursday night, July 7. Get tickets and join the crazy fun! Rumor has it that members of Smash Mouth will be ingesting large quantities of eggs prior to the show. Why? Who cares. But for the record, they should be eating Psycho Donuts instead... Congrats to Psycho Facebook Fan, Ramirez Cain - who won two tickets in our Smashmouth triva contest! Like us on Facebook and see every concert for free (and now this from our Psycho Lawyers: that statement is absolutely untrue).
With a common name like Pam Smith, who knew the girl could be a Psycho Wunderkind. Pam is our
Psycho Donut Cake Decorator (PDCD?). She is responsible for the creative concept and electrocution (execution?) of our recent 4th of July Donut Cake. This cake was built on spec and sold on EBAY (at a steal, we might add...) by savvy EBAY provocateur, Lorraine Mendoza. A custom Psycho donut cake to feed 50 people, for.... $46? Really? OMFG! Lorraine, I wanna go shopping with you! Want your own custom Psycho donut cake? We can do CrAzY pstuff... call (408) 320-8469, and schedule a Psycho Consultation. You might just land in a reality show...
And finally, although Psycho typically shies away from press opportunities (yeah, right), we were thrilled to be featured in this piece by The Examiner, and in this great foodie review on Grub Crawl.