Friday, June 28, 2013

Pstars, Pstripes, and Comfortably Pfrida

It's that patriotic time of year for all Americans.  And for our neighbors to the south, it's also a time to remember the brilliant artistic creations of Frida Kahlo - whose birthday is July 6!  As you've likely guessed, we have Psycho Psolutions for both special days; with crazy donutrocities launching at both Psycho Donuts locations, starting Tuesday, July 2 – Sunday, July 7.

Pstars and Pstripes!

Pstars and Pstripes!
Are you the patriotic sort? If you're not, buy Pstars and Pstripes for your neighbor - that All-American guy who hangs the flag at every conceivable US holiday - especially on The 4th of July.

Packed with raspberry on the inside, this heart shaped Psycho Psymbol is topped in all the primary colors that matter. Each state  delivers a satisfying white chocolate-rice crunch when chomped upon.

Glazed and Patriotic!

Glazed and Confused has dressed up for the Independence Day holiday, and has become Gazed and Patriotic – with Psycho Pstripes in all the right colors.  Red, white, and blue stripes of drizzle adorn the top of this American classic. Why be confused when you can be patriotic?

Comfortably Pfrida!

Comfortably Pfrida!

July 6 is Frida Kahlo's birthday, so we have morphed 'Comfortably Numb' into 'Comfortably Pfrida!'  Though this donutrocity has a rough exterior and over-abundant eyebrows, it's heart is sweet, in the form of chocolate pastry cream.  If you're a lover of Frida Kahlo's work, why not stop by Psycho Donuts for a Comfortably Pfrida?

And there you have it... Psycho Pstars, Pstripes, and Pfrida.  Where else ya gonna find crazy donuts whose names all revolve around Silent P's?   Get these Pseasonal Pspecials at Psycho Campbell and Psycho San Jose, available from July 2 – 7.