Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Donuts and Nurses and Art, Oh My!
Psycho artists are working around the clock - in preparation for this themed art event! Check out original affordable artwork by local artists - like Christine Benjamin, Lacey Bryant, Michael Foley, Sheri DeBow, Eric Joyner, Simon Salas, Murphy Adams, Nic Caesar, Michael Borja, John Hageman, Michelle Waters and more.
Artist Trina Merry will entertain audiences with her live body painting and artists Christine Benjamin and Ivy Atoms will be on sight painting some cool creatures on canvas!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn about some fun stuff we'll have going on that day.
As always, we'll have our insane collection of donuts, including Crazy Face, Headbanger, and S'mores (rated one of the Top 10 in the US by Maxim Magazine). Resistance is futile.
Come for a crazy donut and a jolting cup of Tony's Coffee - and stay for the demented art show!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
We're Going Off the Rails on a Crazy Plane!
It's not every day you see a glazed airplane donut covered in malted milk ball ash... but it's also not everyday you see an Icelandic volcano destroy international trade either. So we felt it was our obligation to memorialize this historic event with an edible memento.
Come get one on Thursday at Psycho Donuts. Wanna get yours for free? Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to learn how! Hurry, because once the volcanic ash is gone, so is the donut.
In other insanity, we thought Stanford was crazy when their late night cafe, The Dish, began selling Psycho Donuts. But then the insanity grew. The Axe & Palm Cafe began selling Psycho Donuts. And now the madness has reached a deafening climax - as Psycho Donuts launches at Latenite at Lakeside. How convenient for Stanford students. Walk in any direction late night, and you'll bump in a Psycho (...donut, that is). Psycho Donuts is thrilled to be part of Stanford Dining!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Maxim Goes Crazy, and Dust Bunnies Appearing on 4/20!
Recent reports indicate that The S'mores Donut suddenly refuses to share his tray with other donuts in the Psycho display case. Fame can be that way... And other sources indicate that a S'mores Donut was spotted with a Maxim model.
If you've not tried our S'mores donut, come early... S'mores will be a hot commodity for quite a while!
And now this -- Psycho Donuts is pleased to release a special one-day menu item on Tuesday 4/20. Hmmm, maybe not the item you were thinking of... but still, you'll like this. For one day only (Tuesday 4/20 - beginning at 4:21pm) - come and get your Dust Bunnies.
Dust Bunnies are mostly harmless. They are balled-up creatures with absurd coatings (some have been spotted with coats of strawberry, blueberry, malted milk ball dust, and more). These demented creatures appear at Psycho Donuts on a certain day of each year. It's reminiscent of those animals that come out on Groundhog Day - what are those things called again? Oh yeah, groundhogs. Sorry, all this 4/20 talk is going to my head.
And just like groundhogs on Groundhog Day... there's no guarantee you'll see Dust Bunnies - unless you show up pretty close to 4:21pm - because they are endangered species. But here's the kicker -- if you ask the Psycho Nurse in just the right way, she will prepare your Dust Bunnies in the most unique to-go packaging. But you gotta know how to ask properly... follow us on Twitter or Facebook to learn the appropriate dust bunny vernacular...
And finally, for our good friends in Santa Cruz... We wouldn't miss a chance to spend some time with you on 4/20! Psycho Donuts will be on sale at Altared's performance - An Evening of Stoner Songs Performed in Minor Keys. If you've not seen an Altared show, all I can say is - don't miss it. The show is at The Kuumbwa Jazz Center at 7pm.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pimp Your Donut with Flavor Therapy, and more!
In addition to PsychEaster, Psycho Donuts also crashed the Downtown Campbell Bunnies and Bonnets Parade on Saturday. Thanks to Sally Howe and everyone else who worked to put this crazy parade together. For the most part, we behaved, and restrained ourselves from some of the really crazy parade ideas we had!
A special thanks to The Fremont Union High School. A 3D Design instructor named Charlotte Kruk had this crazy Psycho Donuts-inspired idea. She had her class create ceramic Psycho donuts. Come check it out - we're showcasing some of these crazy Psycho representations in our store over the next month!
And now it's on to Psycho Flavor Therapy. Flavor what? Did you ever buy a Psycho Donut and think, "this donut is just not psycho enough..." Why should crazy have a ceiling?! We don't put limits on our insanity... which is why we've recently launched "Pimp Your Donut." For just 65 cents, you get a test tube filled with your flavorite therapy - which you can inflict upon your donut. Whatever your situation, we have the flavor therapy for you: Strawberry, Pineapple, Blueberry, Oero Dust, Malted Milk ball bits, ButterFinger zingers, and more. Try them all. Pimp your Psycho donut today!
And finally, a special thanks to our new friends at Teagre. Owner Victoria Boyert and her business partner were on hand at PsychEaster, offering samples of some insanely great loose leaf teas. If you're looking for some really great teas - including a Mate tea that will drive you crazy - give Victoria a call!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The PsychEaster Grand Finale & April Fools!
The Easter donuts continue to roll off the Psycho assembly line with frightening accuracy. We've always been on the borderline of irreverance, but we poke fun in a harmless way - and nothing is immune from our incessant poking... nothing! And with that disclaimer in place, let's move on to the climax of our PsychEaster series.
Passion of the Christ is a heavenly body-shaped raised donut, filled with organic white chocolate and passion fruit. Some of you may remember this serious gourmet filling in a prior Valentine's Day donut. Same filling - waaaaaay different donut. It may be irreverant, but we hear it's Mel's favorite non-kosher donut.
And what PsychEaster would be complete without He is Risen. This donut is definitely raised, but also glazed. It's completed by a chocolate crown of thorns.
And there ya have it folks. Our PsychEaster Line-up: Rabbit Roadkill, Massive Egg Trauma, Hot Chick, Passion of the Christ, and He is Risen (and maybe a surprise or two). Order 'em by the PsychEaster basket by calling our DoNurse at 408-378-4540. And join us this Sunday for our PsychEaster event, with Karaoke at 10am, and a live musical performance by Please Do Not Fight at 1:45pm.
For those of you who came to Psycho Donuts for "Lab Day" today - maybe you discovered that we told a few little lies. OK, not really lies... more like April Fools Day untruths. For example, there were no Nurses with Fire and Creme Brulee donuts... but we did have a donut case filled with 20 varieties of glazed donuts! The looks on faces were hysterical... "hey, where are the crazy donuts?" The Invisible Glazed donut was very popular, and what a bargain at $.25.
And our personalized designer coffee? Sanka.
We hung some new original art on the wall for the occasion; for some reason it didn't sell (see photo to the right).
And our band? No, it wasn't a Norwegian Kazoo band as advertised... it was killer Indie Seattle band called Endeverance. We hope to see them again!
And I'm sure that many of you discovered a phantom sticker on your back sometime during the day... hey, we're all about free advertising.